Sunday, February 28, 2010

Some images of January

This is Jaynee's boyfriend. I spotted her one night and got the camera. I wish I had the video camera because she was talking to him, and kissing him and laughing like they were so in love! She named him Jake. If you can't tell, this is the post on the end of my bed and she put my sweatshirt on it to make it look like his head. Girls, girls and girls! I am in trouble with this one. Just a side note. While I was blogging this, Emmie walked up and looked at the picture and with no hesitation in her voice says "there is Jaynee hugging Jake!" So funny that even she knows who this Jake is that a I guess lives in our house. This is Nana Chatfield. We went up and saw her in January. She is doing so well, and is amazing for her age. We are grateful that she was able to meet baby Ty.
Kaylee Jo in her piano recital. She played two pieces-Brady bunch and Alvin and the chipmunks Christmas. She did so well and didn't even seem nervous!


  1. hahahah!!! Jaynee and Jake sitting in a...bed??? that's hilarious....I can totally relate. Janet had a poster of Kirk Cameron on her closet door when we were little and I used to dance with it....oh bother- hope Jaynee doesn't follow in my footsteps!!!! HEHHEHEHE

  2. Jake and I laughed SO hard! I don't know if her Jake is inspired by my Jake, but it sure was hilarious!
