This will be the "extra bedroom" or more commonly called "mom and dad's workout room!" Now I will have a place for my beloved treadmill!! And cam's weights will now have a home too! This will also be the room for company, and I am sure all of my primary things, etc. But how nice to have a room for it all. That door to the right will be the bathroom (someday).

This is the view coming down the stairs. I begged for 3 months to please have a window in my laundry room. I knew that when it was finished, it would feel like a dungeon because the only window is in the bedroom. Sure enough, I was right. SO....needless to say, I won the battle!!! It helped so so so much! Now I won't mind doing laundry...well, that was a stretch, but it won't be as bad as it would have been if I would have had to enter a dungeon each time. That room to the right is going to be the food storage room, soon to have lots of great shelves-now, to fill them with food!

Here he is in the playroom. This shot doesn't show how cute it is going to be. He framed two cute little windows and a door, so that part of it will be a little house.
Cam's dad came up last week and Cam took 4 days off, and they sheet rocked the whole thing. Now we are on to muddin'. What messy work! I went down and helped him the other night and thought I was the "master mudder" and told him I was going to go find a job and do this for a living (sometimes I feel better at that than being a mom). However, I was told the next day that Cam was going to fire me! I was so shocked! He kindly said I needed to learn how to "feather". Well, see if I ever mud again!!! Actually, I was slow as tar and I am sure I did more harm than help. Hopefully painting next week, then the carpet. Almost done!!!
And as for the new paper on the blog, I had to laugh when I saw this! I had to put it on here at least for a few days!! When my brother Ty found out I was having a boy (he has 5 girls), he called me and said "Is this the Den mother slash pack mother to be?" I of course said "No way , not me!!!!" and then the realization hit! AHHH! I don't do scouts! I do bows and hair and dance recitals! Boy do I have lessons waiting to be learned! But really, I am so excited to have this new experience! Lots to learn, and that is what makes it more exciting and new again.