Thursday, September 10, 2009

Soccer and first missing tooth-Sept. 9

No, the two really don't have anything to do with each other, I just thought it would make a good title to this simple post. Emmie is so proud to announce that she has finally lost her first tooth! She has been waiting ever since she was 4-maybe 3, I don't remember, I just know she has been wanting to be "big" and loose a tooth for a really long time. The crazy thing is, that we thought tooth fairy didn't come! Emmie woke up in the morning, checked under her pillow, and was so disappointed that the tooth fairy didn't come, that she was sobbing in her bed when we woke up. I heard the sobs and told her to wait just a minute. I dashed downstairs where I quickly said "hmmm, I wonder if the tooth fairy left some money under the pillow on the couch in the living room by my purse?" To her utter amazement, I came upstairs with the dollar in my hand! We decided the tooth fairy must have been afraid of Daisy who was sleeping on her bed???!!! Silly tooth fairy!
She has gotten a lot better this year, and isn't afraid to throw a few elbows-something Coach Houle taught me when starting out in a race-"sharpen your elbows Wendy", was one of his famous lines. No I didn't teach her to throw elbows, she's just realizing that it works!
She's also gotten more agressive in chasing after the ball, rather than dancing around the field like last year. Go get 'em Emmie!


  1. The toothless smiles are so cute. I especially love it when they loose the top two. Britney just lost her first bottom one too.
    Love the soccer pictures too. She is growing up way too fast.

  2. Nice cover for the tooth fairy. What beautiful girls you have, they are going to LOVE their little brother.
